
More Openness in Doctors’ Learning.

Learn from doctors from all over the world, even if they are far away.
Talk with doctors from all over the world, even when they are far away.
The e-casebook connects doctors with doctors around the world and supports medical care driven by the knowledge of doctors.

ecasebook live

e-casebook LIVE is a live video streaming service that allows specialists to learn from top-level doctors in various fields, including cardiology, orthopaedic surgery, neurosurgery and gastroenterology, with practical content such as operations, procedures and lectures.

ecasebook forum

It is a discussion platform that allows serious case studies to be discussed with doctors from all over the world on the web based on DICOM images.

If you are considering live streaming or promotion,
please feel free to contact us for more information or to request information materials.

Medical image sharing program

Hyperacute cardiac disease.
Fast and accurate. For the lives that can be saved.

This system supports remote diagnosis by connecting doctors on site during emergency transport and treatment with remote specialists in real time, using voice communication while sharing medical images and videos displayed in the hospital.

Generic name:
Program for general-purpose diagnostic imaging workstations
Trade name:
Medical image sharing program Caseline
Certification number:
Controlled medical device (Class II)
Manufactured and distributed by:
Heart Organization Co., Ltd.